On April 4 and 5, 2017, ISL will host the first Workshop on Ageing effects in protective systems, components and materials.

Modern soldier protection systems (armored vehicles, personal protection equipment, etc. ) use high-performance materials, often composed of material combinations of ceramic, metallic and polymeric layers. A well balanced interaction between these different layers plays a major role in obtaining the specified protection system performances.

During military operations the deployed equipment is often exposed to harsh environmental conditions leading to enhanced ageing effects, influencing their protective properties.

This workshop will bring together more than a hundred of researchers, state representatives and industrial experts from France and Germany, as well as international cooperation partners. It aims to discuss in order to help nations and industry to anticipate and manage the problematic of material ageing in protective structures.

Certified institute       A joint initiative Member of "Institut Carnot MICA" Joint laboratory


      AID ministere armees       bundesministerium der verteidigung

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